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NEW ORLEANS – Mayor LaToya Cantrell announced today that the City of New Orleans will move into Phase 3 next week.

The City of New Orleans will move into Phase 3 on October 3, according to Cantrell. All Orleans Parish public school students will be back in the classroom by October 12.

Those changes will be among the first of several steps in Phase 3 that will see the reopening of bars, restaurants, and other businesses at differing levels of capacity.

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The city will continue to differ from the state of Louisiana in its phased reopening plan, Cantrell said. This first part will be referred to as Phase 3.1, and Phase 3.2 will expand on 3.1’s business restrictions, among other things.

For businesses that have been crippled since the coronavirus crisis began in Louisiana approximately eighth months ago, any movement forward is appreciated.

“Any increase in the phase – up to 3 – is definitely gonna be great for business so we’re absolutely excited,” Union Ramen Bar co-owner Jeff Gapultos said. “It’s something that we’ve been kind of mentally preparing for.”