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NEW ORLEANS – This morning, Mayor Cantrell said a press conference will be held to discuss phase 3 of reopening the City. Many residents in New Orleans are thankful to see a step towards progression but some aren’t so thrilled. 

“Any increase in the phase – up to 3 – is definitely gonna be great for business so we’re absolutely excited,” co-owner of Union Ramen Bar, Jeff Gapultos said. “It’s something that we’ve been kind of mentally preparing for.” 

Much of the New Orleans community agrees with Gapultos. However, Cantrell cautions, phase 3 will likely have multiple steps – 3.1, 3.2, and so on. Some business owners who aren’t in the hospitality industry say the potential step won’t change much on their end but they’re hopeful this encourages customers.

“To kind of begin to feel the normalcy of coming and going shopping and supporting your local businesses is what we really are relying on since we don’t have the out-of-town customer coming right now,” Sarah Killen, co-owner of Saint Claude Social Club explained.  

While many residents are looking forward to the City opening up, some have their reserves.

“We’ll just have to play it by ear,” New Orleans resident, Lela Neff said. “Because then if the cases go back up, since it’s such a hungry disease, then numbers might go back up and then we might be on the same boat but it seems like that might be how it’s gonna have to go for the next year or two.”

Although phase 3 will likely be in New Orleans’ future, some business owners say they’ll stick to some phase 2 guidelines. 

“We want our customers to feel safe and that’s the most important thing”  Gapultos shared. “So, we’re gonna try to distance – still maintain some of the distancing rules. It’s important to us as being a part of the community to do what needs to be done and I would be OK with that.”

Cantrell says the press conference regarding phase 3 guidelines will happen before this week ends.