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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — The New Orleans Office of the Inspector General released a report of the investigation into former Juvenile Justice Intervention Center Executive Director Dr. Kyshun Webster.

On Tuesday (Nov. 1), the report detailed two major issues: a misuse of city property and funding, and neglect of duty.

Stated in the report, according to records from JJIC, Dr. Webster logged into the facility with his access card 13 times in a 12-month period from Nov. 1, 2020 – Oct. 31, 2021. Dr. Webster claimed other employees or security officers let him in, which was why it wasn’t recorded. However, he also allegedly neglected to log a daily sign-in sheet.

That’s something Inspector General Edward Michel said was to ensure contraband did not make its way into the facility.

Dr. Webster told investigators he alerted the city when he would request leave. The city responded, in the report, saying they had not received any requests. The Cantrell Administration declined to comment on the report. Read the full document below.

FULL OIG REPORT: Investigation into Abuse of Office JJIC Executive Director Kyshun Webster

The lack of attendance, however, was not shocking to the people involved. Employees that were interviewed said it was rare to see Dr. Webster more than three to four times a week. When he was there, they said, he would work a half day. One of the interviewed employees stated he was “gone more than you saw him.”

However, the lack of attendance, which led to missed deadlines, seemed to be less alarming than what happened when Dr. Webster was actually at the facility.

“Dr. Webster instructed personnel at the JJIC to utilize JJIC time and equipment to transport his dog from his residence to the facility,” Michel said. “He, then, instructed his personnel to transport his dog to the veterinarian when the dog was in need of medical attention.”

According to the report, 12-year-old Lacey the Labrador was left in a classroom in an old school building at JJIC, where her medical condition continued to worsen.

The employees watching Lacey said she had eczema, bladder issues, and lacked years of proper flea or heartworm treatment.

“He apparently instructed his personnel to submit the bill for the canine services to JJIC,” Michel said.

As the report detailed, during the investigation, Webster claimed he “donated” Lacey to the facility as a service dog. However, no paperwork ever proved that, according to Michel.

Other misuses of funds detailed in the report include charging the city $11,307 for soundproofing his office. Employees believed that was to hide Dr. Webster’s yelling at other colleagues.

Employees described Dr. Webster as “arrogant.”

Dr. Webster’s attorney provided a statement Tuesday afternoon saying,

“Dr. Kyshun Webster performed the duties of his office as director of the Juvenile Justice Intervention Center (JJIC).  His efforts are documented by a Performance Based Standards review. See the attached report.

In the performance of his duties, Dr. Webster did nothing wrong.  In fact, Dr. Webster sought advice and approval from the Mayor’s office and the City Attorney’s office prior to any of the allegations in the OIG report. 

Dr. Webster did the job he was hired to do as a juvenile justice reformer and social justice innovator.  The false information supplied by disgruntled employees and Ms. Emily Wolff does not negate what Dr. Webster accomplished.

Statement from Attorney Dayal Reddy

JJIC Performance-Based Standards report

Michel said the report has been delivered to the District Attorney’s office to determine any further action.

“The behavioral standards for all city employees are simply all employees must do their job,” Michel said. “And when they fail to do that job, it constitutes a neglect of duty.”

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