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AUSTIN (KXAN) — Visitors to will get a surprise when they try to research the judge expected to be picked by Pres. Donald Trump to replace Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Instead of Barrett’s biography, they’ll find a list of accusations and critiques of the conservative Christian from Illinois, according to The Hill.

Demand Justice, which is behind the stunt, says Barrett “has repeatedly indicated that she would strike down the Affordable Care Act, ending protections for people with preexisting conditions.”

Barrett is widely considered to be a vocal opponent of Roe v. Wade and the potential overturning of reproductive rights in America have taken center stage as her nomination seems imminent.

“No Confirmation Until Inauguration,” the site reads, including links to email state senators and join campaigns to reform the Supreme Court.

“Trump rushed to nominate Amy Coney Barrett, and Republicans are rushing to confirm her. We can’t let Amy Coney Barrett reverse decades of progress,” Demand Justice says.

Demand Justice says Trump’s SCOTUS picks thus far have been “overwhelmingly white and unqualified” and “consistently hold extreme, right-wing views.”

Additionally, Demand Justice says Trump’s picks have histories of “fighting to restrict women’s access to reproductive health services” and “deny equal treatment to LGBTQ Americans.”

John Gehring, Catholic program director at Faith in Public Life, says that Barrett being religious is not the problem with the nomination.

“The cause for alarm is the court’s ideological lurch to the right, and what that means for health care, voting rights and other moral issues at stake in this election,” he said.