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BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. (KDVR) — Colder weather has arrived and bears are headed into hibernation for a long winter’s nap.

Well, most bears are. Last month, one bear was caught on video doing some last-minute stocking up for winter at a Colorado home just before midnight on Oct. 7.

Amy Franklin, who caught the bear on her Ring camera, said she accidentally forgot to close her garage door. When she went to the garage the next morning, there was quite a mess.

“Based on the videos, the bear was here for about an hour and a half, he took everything out of the freezer, including over $600 in frozen meats,” said Franklin, who added that this wasn’t the first time she’s captured bears on her Ring camera.

The bear not only ate hundreds of dollars in frozen meat, but it also ate all of Franklin’s frozen hot chocolate.

How to bearproof your home

  • Keep garbage in a well-secured location.
  • Only put out garbage on the morning of pickup.
  • Clean garbage cans regularly to keep them free of food odors; ammonia is effective.
  • Use a bear-resistant trash can or dumpster.
  • Don’t leave pet food or stock feed outside.
  • Bird feeders are a major source of bear/human conflicts. Attract birds naturally with flowers and water baths. Do not hang bird feeders from April 15 to Nov. 15.
  • Do not attract other wildlife by feeding them, such as deer, turkeys or small mammals.
  • Don’t allow bears to become comfortable around your house. If you see one, yell at it, throw things at it, make noise to scare it off.
  • Secure compost piles. Bears are attracted to the scent of rotting food.
  • Clean the grill after each use.
  • Clean-up thoroughly after picnics in the yard or on the deck.
  • If you have fruit trees, don’t allow the fruit to rot on the ground.
  • If you keep small livestock, keep animals in a fully covered enclosure. Construct electric fencing if possible. Don’t store livestock food outside, keep enclosures clean to minimize odors, hang rags soaked in ammonia and/or Pine-Sol around the enclosure.
  • If you have beehives, install electric fencing where allowed.
  • Talk to your neighbors and kids about being bear aware.
  • Keep garage doors closed.