WGNO meteorologist Brantly Keiek joins Hurricane Hunters as they fly into the eye of Hurricane Ian

As Hurricane Ian approached the Tampa bay area on Tuesday morning, WGNO meteorologist Brantly Keiek joined Hurricane Hunters as they flew into the eye of the category 3 storm.

BILOXI, MISS. (WGNO) — As Hurricane Ian approached the Tampa Bay area on Tuesday morning, WGNO meteorologist Brantly Keiek joined Hurricane Hunters as they flew into the eye of the Category 3 storm.

Here is a picture of the briefing for TEAL 71 before the team departed from Keesler Air Force Base.

At 4 a.m., Keiek and the Hurricane Hunters departed to gather critical data as Ian emerged from Cuba.

The team is expected to return by 3 p.m.

Make sure to tune in to WGNO this evening. WGNO meteorologist Brantly Keiek will give a live update at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.