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Activity has increased tropically as we head toward the end of August. The system with the highest chance of development is located near the east coast of Florida. This could turn into a depression or storm over the weekend. Most likely this would stay along the east coast and not be an issue for the Gulf.

Closer to home however a large area of thunderstorms and broad low pressure is moving north-northwest in the western Gulf of Mexico. While development is not expected this will be bringing a large amount of tropical moisture to our area. This will lead to soggy conditions at times over the weekend.

However, it will not rain the whole time. The heaviest amounts should be just west of a Houma to Hammond line. Overall for most of our area 1-3″ are expected through Monday. Waves of rain off and on will be the theme.

Another wave in the central Atlantic will need to be watched as it moves west. Overall expect more activity in the tropics over the next few weeks.