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A big fall cold front has moved into the Gulf Friday evening bringing much cooler air behind it for the start of the weekend. Temperatures on Saturday morning will likely get down into the upper 40s to around 50 north with mid 50s south.

A beautiful Saturday is on the way. Just picture perfect. Sun with mid 70s and no humidity at all. By Sunday temperatures start to warm into the low 80s but the humidity will still be low.

Monday however the humidity starts to move back. Dewpoints will once again be in the upper 60s to around 70 which is going to feel muggy. Afternoon highs will be warm as well back in the mid 80s to start the week. It looks like it stays like that for several days.

With an easterly flow over the area off the Gulf and more moisture we could also see some showers pop up from time to time, especially Tuesday and Thursday. Still a little early to nail down the best time though.

Another front looks to move through by next weekend with another fall surge.