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10:30 PM

A nice night is on the way with cool and dry conditions. The National Hurricane Center is now watching 3 areas of potential development in the Atlantic. None of these really look to be a concern at the moment, but the one area near the Panama could develop and move north northeast over the next week so that will need to be monitored.

5:30 PM

Another shot of fall weather is on the way and will get here just in time for the weekend. Look for this front to come through early Friday morning.

Ahead of the front like the past few times we will see very warm conditions. Look for temperatures in the mid to upper 80s through the afternoon on Thursday. The front will be moving through very early Friday. While moisture will not increase that much ahead of it there could be just enough for a few sprinkles or spotty showers. It does look like more cloud cover will be on the way to end the week.

After that cooler and drier air filters back in for the start of the weekend. Look for breezy conditions through the day Friday and even into Friday night. This probably prevents temperatures from dropping off quite as much as they could by Saturday morning. That being said we will still see lows around 50 north with mid 50s outside the metro area on the south shore.

Highs will be in the mid 70s Saturday afternoon and around 80 on Sunday.