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We are seeing more showers popping up offshore so far this morning than we did yesterday which likely indicates a bit better chance of seeing rain this afternoon. However the overall coverage should still be spotty with localized downpours.

We are suddenly back in a more typical summer pattern and that will continue through the weekend the way it looks now. This means isolated storms will pop up during the daytime heating hours around noon to 4pm but they will be spotty.

Look for temperatures to warm into the low 90s through the day. Humidity will make it feel like 100-105.

Rain and storms will develop as temperatures warm to around 90. It does look like a slightly better rain chance overall in the southwest part of the area around Lafourche and Terrebonne parish.

This trend continues through Sunday before better rain chances come back early next week. Highs will stay in the low 90s over the next few days.