President Biden offers federal support to Texas during phone call with Gov. Abbott

President Biden speaks to Governor Greg Abbott about the weather crisis in Texas (source: Twitter)

RIO GRANDE VALLEY, Texas (KVEO) — President Joe Biden spoke with Governor Greg Abbott on Thursday and offered support to the people of Texas during the winter weather crisis impacting the state.

According to a release, Biden stated that the federal government will continue working with state and local officials on mending the issues impacting Texans.

Biden also is directing federal agencies to look into any immediate steps needed for Texans at this time.

Additionally, Biden stated that Texas will be offered any federal support necessary from his administration.

Biden conveyed support for the people of Texas during this difficult time for the state.

The president’s support for the state comes in a week where Texas has dealt with widespread power outages, lack of filtered water, and long lines at gas stations, among other issues, all due to a massive winter storm that sent the entire state into a freeze.