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A change in the pattern is on the way over the next few days but we do have one more day to deal with this large scale heat. A heat advisory is in effect for most of the area again today. Temperatures this afternoon will be back in the mid 90s with heat index values 107-113.

Rain chances look to be spotty through the afternoon. Isolated showers and storms will pop up this afternoon. The ones that do develop could contain locally heavy downpours and frequent lightning.

After today the upper level ridge that has been over the area will start to slide west. That will open the door for more daytime heating activity to pop up. Look for scattered showers and storms on Wednesday.

A tropical wave moving across the northern Gulf will bring higher rain chances by Thursday and Friday. Above normal rain chances will continue through the weekend.

In the tropics there are several areas highlighted by the NHC for potential development. The most pressing issue will be moving into the western Caribbean over the next few days and eventually into the southern Gulf. Right now it doesn’t look to impact our area but it’s still early and worth watching.