Irma heading for the southeast coast

NEW ORLEANS – Hurricane Irma continues to be a very strong category 5 storm as it moves northwest.

The next areas to be impacted directly by the storm will be the southeastern Bahamas.

There are still some questions as to the exact path of Irma once it reaches the U.S. mainland.

The current forecast has the center making landfall in south Florida near the Miami area. However, there is still the chance the center stays offshore to the east keeping it a stronger hurricane as it moves north to South Carolina.

Just a small shift in either direction will cause significant differences in who sees what.

The important thing here is this is not an issue for southeast Louisiana or southern Mississippi.

East of Irma we have hurricane Jose. This storm is also going to be moving to the northwest over the next few days.

This is currently expected to stay well east of the country. However, we will have to watch as Irma moves northeast causing Jose to stall for a few days that it doesn’t start getting pushed back to the west by high pressure building in from the north.

That’s a small chance right now, but one that is worth watching through next week.

As always, stick with WGNO on air and online.
