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NEW ORLEANS — The 2017 hurricane season was forecast to be the busiest we have seen since 2010.

While 2005, 2010, and 2012 stand out as busy seasons, this hurricane season may break the most records.

With the organization of Tropical Storm Ophelia, there have now been 15 named storms this season. Three Category 4 hurricanes — Harvey, Irma and Maria — made landfall in U.S. territories,and that has not ever happened on record!

Perhaps the most impressive statistic is that if Ophelia strengthens to a hurricane, which it is forecast to do, it will be the tenth consecutive hurricane. This has not happened in 124 years, or since 1893. The only caveat to that is there were if course no satellites back then, so smaller storms may have gone unnoticed.

Overall, the 2017 has been a landmark season, but fortunately beyond Ophelia, there are no storms in the immediate future. Hurricane Season does not officially end until November 30th.