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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— The local chapter of The American Red Cross is doing its part to help Florida with hurricane relief for Hurricane Ian.

A local volunteer is headed to Orlando, Florida right now to help. WGNO’s Kenny Lopez caught up with her before she left Armstrong International Airport today.

Roycelyn Lewis is an American Red Cross volunteer and she’s headed to Orlando to give her hurricane help.

“I packed for 17 days, so I’m prepared for the long haul,” she said.

She’s been with the American Red Cross for 10 years, and helped with about 25 hurricanes. Her main job will be to help staff the incoming volunteers.

“The self satisfaction is the best reward to go and assist people when they need it. Be there for people to comfort them and listen to them,” Lewis said.

Earlier this week The American Red Cross began sending emergency vehicles and shelter supplies to Orlando.

“It is important for us to be on sight to help with the initial recovery, essential things like food, water, and shelter,” she said.

Living in Louisiana, Roycelyn knows all too well the devastation hurricanes bring.

“I understand the need for assistance because I’ve been in New Orleans all my life,” she said.

And lending a helping hand is what’s in her heart to do.

“For them to know that someone is there makes all the difference in the the world,” Lewis said.

So far Louisiana’s American Red Cross has sent 11 volunteers to help Florida out.