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More of the same is on the way for another night as we see temperatures remaining very mild through early Thursday.

Look for clouds to develop again through the evening and in to tonight with the moisture still over the area. Some patchy fog is possible near the coast but in general this will mostly present itself as cloud cover with lows only in the upper 60s to low 70s. Expect afternoon temperatures in the low to mid 80s again Thursday.

On Thursday night our next trough begins to move in from the west. Expect a cold front to move through with that. This front has the chance to bring rain and storms across the area. Right now there is a low end severe weather threat with these storms as well, although the best chance will stay north of our area. In fact we may not see that much rain out of this system at all.

Behind the front look for cooler and drier weather to move in. Highs through the weekend will only be in the low 70s with upper 40s and low 50s for lows. It will feel much more seasonable for this time of year.