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Dewpoints have gone from around 70 over the past week into the 40s Friday evening behind the cold front. That means the humidity is much lower and it feels much nicer out there. Expect cool and pleasant conditions for the next couple of nights.

Highs through the weekend will still be in the mid to upper 70s but it will feel cooler thanks to the lower humidity. Nights will be much nicer as temperatures drop into the 50s for lows. A few spots to the north may see the upper 40s. It will feel much more seasonable for this time of year.

We start to warm back up on Monday with the chance for a few spotty showers. After that another warm week is on the way until either next Thursday or Friday when it looks like another front moves in. Right now it looks like we could see a significant shot of colder air during the middle of the month so stay tuned for that.