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A cold front is moving towards the area and will continue to move through all of southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi over the next 12-15 hours. Look for more clouds later this evening and tonight as the next trough moves through from the west.

This next system will not produce any rain for us and should keep all the moisture to the south over the Gulf. However we will see cooler temps on the backside of it by Friday afternoon and night. Winds will also pick up Friday behind the front with northwest winds at 10-20. Look for clouds early in the day but then plenty of sun by the afternoon and evening.

Temperatures will be cooler with low to mid 50s Friday and then back down into the upper 20s Saturday morning in northern areas with low to mid 30s south.

A chilly start to the weekend is on the way with temperatures mostly in the 40s on Saturday as we struggle to get to 50-52 for the high. After that a nice afternoon on Sunday to wrap up the weekend with low 60s and plenty of sun both days.