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Expect very warm temperatures over the next few days but it does look like we get a break from the humidity as we go through the weekend. A weak front will be pushing into the area Saturday and may not make it all the way through, but should work south enough to at least see lower humidity down to I-10.

Rain chances look pretty spotty with this front as it moves in. There could be a few showers or storms along and north of I-12 Saturday morning but not much. Otherwise expect a very warm day Saturday with mid 80s under clearing skies.

Sunday will see low 80s for highs with again another spotty chance of rain mainly north of the area later in the day through early Monday.

Right now it looks like we get in to a pattern through early next week where there is a lot of activity in the region but not necessarily in our area. Rain should stay north and west but it’s worth watching to see if that changes. Expect above normal temps of low to mid 80s to start the week.