Biggest supermoon of the year set for Tuesday night

You will want to get out and see the moon on Tuesday night. This will be the biggest the moon will look all year.

We will have a Full Moon on April 7 at 9:35 p.m. CDT, at which time the Moon will be near to its perigee — or the point in its orbit that it is closest to Earth. This proximity will provide the largest appearance of the Moon for the whole year, commonly called a supermoon.

In North America, we often call the April full moon the Pink Moon, Grass Moon or Egg Moon. This will appear 7% bigger than an average full moon.

The forecast does look a little dicey for moon viewing. We will most likely have overcast conditions heading into the evening with a few showers in the area. It’s possible skies will clear some heading into the overnight hours.

Hope for the best with the clouds and try to get out and take a look!