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There are a few showers and thundershowers north of I-12 Monday evening. Expec those to slowly drift to the southeast through the evening but dissipate before midnight. Most of the area will not see any rain over the next few days but there could still be an isolated storm on Tuesday.

Monday was hot and the rest of the week looks that way too. The forecast looks pretty uneventful through Friday. Look for afternoon highs to be in the low 90s with overnight lows in the upper 60s to low 70s. Humidity will be unpleasant but still not quite as high as we typically see mid to late summer.

Right now it looks like we could see a handful of pop up showers or storms on Tuesday with the daytime heating but that would be about it. Otherwise we are not expecting any rain through the end of the work week.

The pattern looks to be more unsettled by the weekend however. Expect showers and storms to move back in on Saturday. It is still a bit early to get a detailed look at the rain chance but at the very least expect some rain over the weekend each day.