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Rain chances will go down as the heat goes up through the weekend. Expect daytime highs to be in the upper 90s for most of the area. 

Levels of humidity will combine with temperatures to put heat index values in the 106-113 range throughout the day. Please stay hydrated and be careful outside, and make sure any student-athletes with outdoor practices stay hydrated through the day as well.

While the range chance won’t be zero, it will be very small over the next few days. A big summertime ridge of high pressure will build in across much of the deep south. This will limit a lot of the storms from developing. Expect just a spotty shower or storm Friday through the weekend. The big story will certainly be the heat.

Heat advisories will be likely with excessive heat warnings not out of the question. Try to limit your time outside during the late morning and afternoon hours and remember to check the back seat when leaving your vehicle.