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NEW YORK (WPIX) — Two more victims of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks have been identified nearly two decades later, officials said Tuesday.

Dorothy Morgan and an unidentified man, whose name is being withheld at the request of his family, are the 1,646th and 1,647th people to be identified through ongoing DNA analysis of unidentified remains recovered from the disaster, the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner announced.

“Twenty years ago, we made a promise to the families of World Trade Center victims to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to identify their loved ones, and with these two new identifications, we continue to fulfill that sacred obligation,” said Dr. Barbara A. Sampson, Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York. “No matter how much time passes since Sept. 11, 2001, we will never forget, and we pledge to use all the tools at our disposal to make sure all those who were lost can be reunited with their families.”

The two people identified are the first new identifications of World Trade Center victims since October 2019.

About 40% of those who died, or 1,106 victims, remain unidentified. 

Morgan’s identity was confirmed through DNA testing of the remains recovered in 2001. The identification of the unnamed man was confirmed through DNA testing of remains recovered in 2001, 2002 and 2006, according to the medical examiner’s office.