Rider student selected to represent Texas at Girls Nation in Washington D.C.

WICHITA FALLS (KFDX/KJTL) — For 17-year-old Tina Majdinasab, some of her duties include being president of the Wichita County Junior Bar Association, and serving as a teen court attorney but even those roles couldn’t compare to what was to come next.

“I was over the moon like you have no idea. So, it was online so the whole thing was on a zoom webinar and then they announced my name, I jumped out of my seat, I went and screamed at my family, ‘I’m going to Washington D.C.,'” Majdinasab said.

The rising Rider High School Senior was selected out of 600 girls in this year’s Texas Bluebonnet Girls State to be one of the two girls to represent Texas at Girls Nation in Washington D.C.

“So we’re called senators and they are kind of making it into a senate session to teach us more about the federal government,” Majdinasab said.

Her colleagues across town at the Wichita Falls League of Women Voters say it’s no shock to them to see Tina represent Texas nationally.

“She is the first person who has joined at 16 and so just her interest in politics for someone who is that young and to see how active she is,” League of Women Voters Wichita Falls President Kaye Holland said.

That interest in politics comes from her wanting to make an impact in her community.

“Politicians are making decisions about our own lives so why shouldn’t I know what the decisions are and how they are going to impact me. So that kind of sparked my interest about going into politics and into government,” Majdinasab said.

“I think it’s a credit to her school, her teachers, her parents, the auxiliary, I mean she’s just kept on,” Holland said.

And Tina says she wants to get more youth involved in not only local politics but nationally as well.

“Without us, there’s not gonna be a future in the United States or in the world,” Majdinasab said.

Tina says she is excited to serve as one of the representatives of Texas and that it truly is the honor of a lifetime.