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Four boys, and many, many acceptance letters. As parents across the country work on college applications, this family had four to conquer in one year.

Quadruplets in Ohio have all been accepted to Harvard, Yale and Duke and other top national universities. Some of the boys were also accepted to Stanford, University of Chicago, and Princeton. The boys each applied to a few individual schools, but where all four applied, they were accepted.

“It’s a wow factor. They weren’t expecting it, but we always tell them shoot for the stars,” said their mother, Kim Wade.

Nigel, Zachary, Aaron and Nick Wade are seniors at Lakota East High School in Butler County, Ohio. Principal Suzanna Davis has watched the boys grow up, and she said she is impressed with their ability to be so close, but also forge four independent paths. “They have thrived academically, but they have found their own interests.”

When asked if the boys will chose the same school, Davis said, “I might have thought before this week they might separate, but now sticking together might present a lot of opportunities. This attention may have flipped the script.”

No matter what they choose, she knows they will succeed, “The mark that these four brothers leave on our school will be felt for years to come. I can’t wait to see what comes next with their story.”

Their father works for General Electric and their mother is a principal of a middle school in Ohio. Kim Wade said the boys haven’t decided where to go yet, but they are thrilled with the results of their application process. “The worst anyone can say is ‘no.’ We told them If you want to apply, apply. When (the schools) said yes, they felt elated and blessed.”

Wade says the community, family and school district have all offered great support for her four boys. “We have a good base. We have good role models all around with our family and friends. We always tell them you have too many God-given talents to not be successful.”

She added her advice as teacher and mom, “I tell my sons, but I would tell anyone, we have to find a way for our kids to have ownership for their learning. You are here for a reason, you have to work hard for your dreams.”

“Figure out where you want to be in 18 to 20 years. Once you have that idea, and it will change along the way for sure, but it will take hard work for you to get there, you have to have ownership.”

Davis added, “I want them to go out and follow their passion, I want them to change the world. I know this sounds so cliché, but I have no doubt this is what they are going to do.”