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One of Steve Jobs’ final big visions made its debut today.

Apple opened up its brand new Apple Park campus in Cupertino, California, for the first time for a press conference on Tuesday. The circle-shaped headquarters were a passion of Jobs, who wanted a futuristic location where employees could create the next generation of technology surrounded by nature.

“Apple Park has been built to reflect Apple’s values, both for technology and the environment,” said CEO Tim Cook.

Hundreds of reporters and special guests were invited to the campus for a press conference announcing the latest Apple products, including a new Apple Watch and iPhones.

The presentation took place at Steve Jobs Theater, a 1,000-seat underground circular theater with shockingly good cellular service. The theater is located under a vast lobby surrounded with 20-foot high glass and a metallic carbon-fiber roof. The entire theater is 165-feet in diameter.

The 175-acre campus is hidden from the surrounding neighborhood with rolling hills. There are over 9,000 trees on the campus, according to Cook. Much of the landscaping looks brand new, with small plants in rows and a small of manure in the air. Running paths will weave through the campus, and employees can escape to an orchard, meadow or small pond when they need fresh air.

Cook said the campus is powered by 100% renewable energy, and has one of the largest on-site solar panel systems.