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CANTON, CT — A vandal destroyed a woman’s car in Canton.

The suspect is about five feet tall, 240 pounds, and he’s a bear.

Even now when Linda Morad looks at the damage she can’t believe a bear did it.

“The devastation in there is just incredible. It’s like spaghetti,” said Morad.

The path to this destruction began Friday night when Morad, who was house-sitting for a friend in Canton heard saw her car lights on and heard strange noises.

She called 911 and police arrived quickly.

“When they got to the car and they were looking at it, it was almost like they were in disbelief. Next thing I know they’re taking pictures,” said Morad.

The bear was caught in the act.

“I’m going ‘oh my goodness gracious.’ I was flabbergasted.

I mean a bear a full-size bear,” said Morad.

Police figure the adult black bear got inside Morad’s car by using the driver’s side handle which was damaged.

“Maybe we’ll call this one Yogi. Yogi Junior or something,” said Morad.

The bear had a much more difficult time exiting the vehicle.

“The bear must have been frantic trying to get out,” said Morad.

Police had the difficult job of getting the scared bear out.

“These are the bravest guys in the world, they really are,” said Morad.

The bear ran straight out into the woods but he left his mark.

There were plenty of hairs, claw marks, and feces left in the car.

Morad’s insurance company already told her the car is totaled so she is pretty annoyed with the bear.

“Give me your name so I can take you on Judge Judy to get the deductible covered,” said Morad.

But all joking aside, Morad is mostly just relieved that both she and the bear are not injured.

“I probably think we both were as scared. Me inside the house wondering what was going on and the bear trying to get out, the poor thing,” said Morad.

Morad says she wanted to tell her to warn others.

She didn’t have any food in her car except one single banana but she had brought a bag of garbage to the dump earlier in the day, which perhaps that smell drew the bear.