Attorney calls attack on Sen. Rand Paul ‘regrettable dispute between two neighbors’

The attorney representing the man who was charged with assaulting Sen. Rand Paul said Monday that attacking the Kentucky Republican had “absolutely nothing” to do with politics.

“The unfortunate occurrence of November 3 has absolutely nothing to do with either’s politics or political agendas,” a statement by attorney Matthew Baker said. “It was a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial.”

Baker is representing Paul’s neighbor, Rene Boucher, who was charged with attacking Paul. In the statement, Baker also noted the two worked together when they “were both practicing physicians.”

Paul sustained five rib fractures, including three displaced fractures and bruised lungs after a neighbor allegedly assaulted him while at his home in Bowling Green, Kentucky, a senior adviser told CNN on Sunday.

“We sincerely hope that Senator Paul is doing well and that these two gentlemen can get back to being neighbors as quickly as possible,” Baker’s statement Monday said.

Paul also spoke out Sunday about the incident: “‪Kelley and I appreciate the overwhelming support after Friday’s unfortunate event,” Paul wrote on Facebook. “Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.”

According to the Bowling Green Daily News, Boucher is an anesthesiologist and pain specialist.

CNN previously reported that Boucher was charged with one count of fourth-degree assault.