Another round of overdoses reported on New Haven Green

**Embargo: Hartford-New Haven, CT** More than 70 people overdosed on what police believe to be the synthetic drug "K2" on or around the New Haven Green.

NEW HAVEN, CT — More than 70 people in New Haven overdosed on what police called a synthetic drug.

Officials continue to look into the cases, which appeared to center on the New Haven Green on Wednesday.

A few more were reported late Thursday morning. Fire and emergency crews responded to an area right across from City Hall.

A Channel 3 crew saw one patient convulsing on a bench and flagged down police. First responders arrived around 10 a.m.

As was the case on Wednesday, the synthetic drug K2 was suspected.

The case on Thursday was the latest in what turned out to be 76 overdoses on Wednesday.

Three people were arrested, including people who were found on the Green with the drug on them. They have not been identified.

The amount of patients had first responders stretched thin and overwhelmed by the amount of emergency calls.

The victims ranged in age; however, many are part of the homeless population in the city, police said.

“Throughout the day [Wednesday] it was extremely busy, we had six or seven people at the same time, kind of put a little bit of stress, not only on emergency services personnel, EMS personnel, but throughout the entire city,” said Rick Fontana, New Haven Office of Emergency Operations.

First responders went through a lot of the life-saving anti-overdose drug Narcan. The state even had to send in an extra 50 doses.

Officials blamed K2, a synthetic and marijuana-like drug that’s smoked and can often be laced with dangerous or even lethal substances.

“It’s a synthetic, a man-made product so you never know what they’re putting in it,” said Asst. Chief Mark Vendetto, New Haven Fire Department.

Channel 3 was told that the drug is cheap and could be as low as $3.

No one has died, but police said six people came close.

New Haven police said they expect to release more information about their investigation on Thursday.
