What are the odds? Saint and LSU Thanksgiving weekend

Jason Logan and Hank Allen are back to talk another weekend of football as we wrap up the Thanksgiving weekend.

LSU takes on Texas A&M to start the weekend. Jason thinks this is a tough match-up for LSU. The offense is still trying to gain consistency and the defense has not been good, especially against the pass. The spread moved past two touchdowns but Jason still isn’t high on LSU chances.

The Saints travel to Denver to take on the Broncos. Jason like their chances of continuing a solid streak for bettors with the defense playing so well. He also says look at the under even though the total is low at 43.

Don’t forget college basketball has started. Jason says there is money to be made especially early in the season if you know where to look. He shares some tips for you.

As always get the latest from Jason at http://www.covers.com