Pizza and the Playbook: Trey Edmunds

Metairie, La. — This week on Pizza and the Playbook, Saints Running Back, Trey Edmunds, joins Karen Loftus at That’s Amore to talk about his real name, sharing a birthday with some famous athletes and touchdown celebrations.

KL: “This is part of the NFL diet, right?”

TE: “Definitely.”

KL: “So a lot of people may not know that your birth name isn’t Trey. How about you tell us the story about that?”

TE: “I’m actually named after my grandfather. My full name is Ferrell Edmunds III and people have been calling my Trey ever since I can remember. That’s what my parents called me. Ferrell the third– we’re going to call you Trey.”

KL: “Your birthday’s December 30th. There are 2 major superstar athletes that share your birthday. Do you know who they are?”

TE: “I do. Tiger Woods and LeBron James.”

KL: “Very good!”

TE: “Those two have been some of my most favorite athletes growing up. Being able to share a birthday with those ‘goats’ is actually like something I really take pride in.”

KL: “And maybe some day everyone’s going to say, ‘Hey, my birthday’s December 30th. That’s Trey Edmunds’ birthday.'”

TE: “That’s the plan.”

KL: “The NFL has loosened their player celebration regulations. Do you have anything in the can for a touchdown celebration?”

TE: “I do but it’s a secret.”

KL: “Oh is it?”

TE: “It’s a secret.”

KL: “Keep in mind though, that twerking is still illegal.”

TE: “No, I don’t want to do no twerking.”

KL: “So in the video I was talking to you about with J.C., he asked something similar about touchdown celebration dances. Do you remember what you said?”

TE: “I’m really not a dancer, but I think I could have a mean Dougie.”

KL: “Has that passed? Or is that still in the can? Are you going to bring that back?”

TE: “It’s a mixture. I guess I can incorporate the Dougie in some of it– with a little shoulder action or something.”

KL: “OK! A little preview.”

TE: ” A little preview. That’s all they get for now.”

KL: “You’ve had dreads for as long as I can remember. You’ve still got the long hair. Your brothers do too. Any plans on changing it up? Cutting them off?”

TE: “No plans.”

KL: “That’s good. You can hair flip on them. Maybe that can be your celebration.”

TE: “I’m gonna let you do it.”

KL: “We have some delicious pizza in front of us from That’s Amore. What’s your favorite type of pizza?”

TE: “Meat lovers is what I like to go to. I like as much stuff on my pizza as possible.”

KL: “Yeah, We’ve got some work to do.”

TE: “We’ve definitely got some work to do. We’re going to get to it though!”