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Metairie, La. — This week on Pizza and the Playbook, Baby Cakes Outfielder Destin Hood joins Karen Loftus to talk about turning down a scholarship to play football at Alabama to pursue his dream of playing professional baseball, his daughter calling the shots on his hairstyle and having to constantly correct people with his name.

KL: “Destin, a lot of people might not know that you’re here playing baseball but you actually got a scholarship to play football at Alabama. Tell us about that– turning it down when you got drafted– and how you ended-up down the baseball track.”

DH: “Baby Cakes Outfielder, “I’ve always played baseball since I was 4. That was my favorite sport since I was little. But it’s just in Alabama baseball’s not the biggest sport and I ended-up having almost 70 football scholarships and no baseball scholarships.”

KL: “Do you miss playing football at all?”

DH: “I mean, not really. I knew it was kind of a means to an end. That’s why I told [Nick] Saban– I just wanted to play baseball any way I could. He was going to give me an opportunity to play both.”

KL: “We’ve had some spotty weather here with the rain and everything. When you guys have rain delays, what do you do to pass the time?”

DH: “Literally nothing. I try to get away from everything– close the door, get on your phone, headphones.”

KL: “So movies, cards, games? Nothing?”

DH: “No, I don’t play the card games. I’m not a card guy. I don’t have the attention span for it.”

KL: “Hair inspiration– The Weeknd? Elfrid Payton? Or your own thing?”

DH: “No, actually like, it started out as something else about a year or two ago and I asked my daughter. I said I was cutting my hair and she started crying. She lost it. So I was like, I guess I’m not cutting it.”

KL: “Are you a bubble gum chewer? Sunflower seeds? Or neither?”

DH: “Neither. I kind of just get my water and go to the dugout and hang out.”

KL: “So when I moved down here, I found out that a lot of people go to Destin, Florida for vacation. Are you named after Destin, Florida?”

DH: “No, I’ve never been. My family is kind of religious so they were like if I was a girl I would be Destiny. And then I was obviously a boy, so Destin. Other than that, people just mess it up all the time. I’ve got to say it twice. I go by Justin, Jason, Dustin. All of the above.”

KL: “You’ve heard it all.”

DH: “I’ve heard it all.”

KL: “Final question– what’s your favorite type of pizza?”

DH: “Meat lovers. I like all the meats.”

KL: “That seems to be the consensus. Everyone likes that. Thanks for taking some time with us.”

DH: “Alright, no problem.”