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METAIRIE, La. — At Delgado Community College, Veterinary Technicians have no problem finding employment.

Jennifer Limon is the program director, flanked by her best friend, Max.

“They have offered jobs multiple times since they have been in the program. Because they complete hours offsite at local veterinary clinics. This year they are at LSU Vet school, completing rotations there, and they have all been offered jobs. And, I got job opportunities weekly,” says Delgado Vet Tech Program Director Jennifer Limon.

Local vets clinics are paying up to $18 an hour but they can work overnight and move into management, academia, vet schools, zoos, and aquariums.

“To see something click. The first time a student gets the IV catheter in. The first time they are able to pull blood from a vein, seeing the number of animals I can impact by teaching the students, I really love my job,” says Jennifer Limon.

The current class of 18 graduates in mid-May.

The college’s vet tech program is another reason why Delgado Community College is education that works.