Behind the scenes with Saints and Pelicans VP of Production, Shaneika Dabney-Henderson

NEW ORLEANS — WGNO Sports Reporter, Meghan Payton, sat down with the Vice President of Production for the New Orleans Saints and Pelicans, Shaneika Dabney- Henderson, to learn the ins and outs of what goes on behind the scenes.

Shanekia oversees the team’s online videos as well as the in-game production on the jumbo-tron. She said managing two organizations is only possible with the support and help of her team.

“I would be lying to say it was not (a lot). When the season are overlapping it is chaotic. It is almost a good chaos because it keeps our adrenaline pumping,” she said.

Shaneika is a New Orleans native and after spending time working in Los Angeles, she said she is glad to be back in her hometown.