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NEW ORLEANS — Argus the 37th was businessman Lee Giorgio, who serves as chairman of the board of Delgado Community College.

Mr. Giorgio has served the college for more than 25 years.

“Before that, I had helped start the Jefferson chamber of commerce. In doing so, I realized about work force development, how to get people jobs and that type of thing. I specialized with that. People didn’t understand community colleges before, but today they are starting to learn it is where the action is at,” says Lee Giorgio.

Giorgio said Delgado can be a springboard to a well-paying job, jobs he said can support a family.

He said the school’s mission in New Orleans is critical.

Giorgio is a big fan of the baseball program, saying Joe and his late father Rags Scheuermann have built a dynasty.

“I have seen the success, and in an urban setting it is important to have quality education,” says Giorgio.

Lee Giorgio, another reason why Delgado Community College is education that works.