Friday Night Bands: Vandebilt High School Marching Band

HOUMA, LOUISIANA–Today for Friday Night Bands, we take you to Houma Louisiana to a catholic school marching band, wrapping up after a great musical season.

Director of Band Brad Adams says, “we’re coming up on 150 years of catholic education in Houma from the Marianite Sisters of Holy Cross in 1870 and the Brothers of the Sacred Heart.”

Director Adams is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and was once a young musician.

His dad was also a high school musician and Adams says he hears his dad’s voice in his actions over the students.

“My dad was a band director and that’s how i got into this because i didn’t know any thing else i could do,” says Adams.

This year, Vandebilt’s show was called “Bringer of Light.”  It was based on the age old story of darkness vs light.

The bands percussion instructor, Jacob Jennings, is also the show designer and what starts in his imagination, comes forth before the audience.

“So the beginning of the show, most of the band was covered in black material and the guard was in black material. We went from dark to light and the dark eventually won over the darkness,” says Jennings.

After a season of hard work and stellar music– the instruments are now in their cases and the memories have been made.

Director Adams says, “when you get new kids into the program, faith and trust are huge because they don’t know what they are getting into. They have to rely on other people. They have to listen and believe. It is a big part of the catholic faith, believing in something. There are good days and bad days.”

A musical heart beats inside every student. Carolyn Evans didn’t play an instrument until she got to high school. Three years later, she is one of the drum majors.

“I came in here in 8th grade knowing nobody and i’ve made so many friends through band. Sisters! I know that sounds cliche but they are my family now,” says Evans.”

Adams believes in a higher purpose and says, “I love the kids and teaching things beyond notes and rhythms because these aren’t goin to matter. It’s getting them ready to get out of there and be successful elsewhere.”

“I think i want to continue music after high school. It’s such a big part of my life and i love it,” says the bands other Drum Major, Anna Larose.

Both and students and staff are looking forward to a brief break, before parade season.

Make sure to tune in every Friday on Friday Night Football, to see which band we feature next.