FNF Southern Quality Ford Dealers Scholar-Athlete: Grace King’s Tyler Pascua

NEW ORLEANS — Grace King quarterback Tyler Pascua carries a 4.13 GPA and scored a 21 on the ACT.

Tyler is a four-year starter for the Irish and is driven to see his work in the classroom and the football field translate to the collegiate level.

“It’s just generational courage. Not many people in my family have been to college. Not many people in my family have played sports and stuff. So, going to college and college ball while getting a degree would be a first. That’s just my motivation, my why I go so hard,” says Grace King senior Tyler Pascua.

Since arriving on campus three years ago, Grace King head coach Brian Glover has seen Tyler’s work ethic, firsthand.
“It sets a wonderful example. He’s a wonderful leader. Really good in the classroom. Takes his school work seriously and everything that he does, he wants to be great. He wants to be perfect. Sometimes we have to let him know it’s okay to not be perfect all the time but he wants to be right. He wants to be perfect all the time. So, that’s always a good thing,” says Grace King head coach Brian Glover.

Tyler’s college options remain open and he’s interested in pursuing a degree in the Sports Medicine or Sports science fields.

Grace King’s Tyler Pascua, this week’s scholar-athlete brought to you by your Southern Quality Ford Dealers.