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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — The roughing the passer call against the Saints. Was it terrible? Yes. Did it cost the saints the game? Maybe.

It was a huge play in the game, no doubt. It cost the Saints seven, in a two-point loss.

But, as you know, New Orleans also missed two points after the touchdown, and Adam Trautman false started on the two-yard line on the Saints’ two-point play.

So, there’s plenty of blame to go around.

Saints head coach Sean Payton called the loss, gut-wrenching.

I get it.

However, the Saints still had their chances in the game and against the team with the best record in the AFC.

So, even though the Saints didn’t win they looked like a playoff team to me.

Only six teams in the NFC have winning records. The Saints are one of them and seven make the playoffs.

Time to turn the page. If you split the last eight – you are in.

And, if the Saints get in then what happened at Tennessee will be a season footnote.