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In more than 100 years of college football, LSU has never attracted a coach with the resume of Brian Kelly.

When Nick Saban arrived here almost 23 years ago, he had only six seasons as a college coach under his belt.

Kelly has vast experience – and the record to boot – 34 and 6 at Cincinnati – 54 and nine the last five years at Notre Dame.

So, when he talks about a process and a plan – there’s believability – there are skins on the wall.

After watching LSU practice Thursday, it is safe to say that the Tigers will be better. But are probably two outstanding recruiting classes away from a chance to win the SEC again.

In the meantime, I am trying to think of why Kelly can’t win.

And, I can’t. He has good coaches, who are good recruiters. He has a young quarterback, Walker Howard, being groomed.

And he’s coaching at LSU, where some of the best high school football in the country is played.

There’s no reason that Brian Kelly can’t get what has eluded him for years in South Bend – and that is a national championship.