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LEESVILLE, La.“Nobody expects a small town kid to do anything. I want it a little more. When I go out there, it’s like nobody wants that. Like, they’re not going to find out from you because you’re Where are you from?”

Ethan Frey is a small town boy, but a big but a big time prospect. The 6’6 225 catcher is from Leesville, Louisiana. Where the population is about 6,000 people.

“I feel like my grind is different. I have something to prove,” said Frey.

“Some guys play baseball and some guys are baseball players and he’s a baseball player. He there’s a lot of different things that he can do on the field,” said head coach of Rosepine Varsity Baseball Jeff Smith.

Ethan plays four different positions Although he is primarily a catcher, where he was named an All-American by Perfect Game, he can also throw 90-95 mph.

“I don’t ever work on pitching. Before I started, I’d throw a little bit. Fly grounds, bullpens or something, but I don’t ever work on it. When people are like, ‘You hit 95 like five or six times this game’, it shocks me a little bit, but it is what it is,” said Frey.

“I think he was threw 64 pitches in the state championship game, 44 of them were strikes,” said Smith.

Ethan’s success on the field comes from those who built him from the ground up. 

“I don’t think I’ll ever be close with any human being besides my parents and my sister because I mean, me and my sister, we had a rough when we were younger, you know, we’d fight on Christmas and all that type of stuff,” said Frey.

Ethan has the ink to prove it. His tattoo is a representation of his faith and family. His sister even drew it for him. 

“My family is always at my back and I can’t be more thankful for such a supportive family. It really starts behind the scenes with people who are good athletes. Nobody wants to talk about how much their families support them, and I feel like that’s one of the main reasons I am successful,” said Frey.