Baby Cakes Bowling for Miracles

New Orleans — The New Orleans Baby Cakes took some time Wednesday evening to help-out for a good cause. They participated in their “Bowling for Miracles” event at the Rock and Bowl, where Cakes players and coaches bowled with children with disabilities, as well as fans, to benefit the Miracles League of Greater New Orleans. All proceeds went to the organization, which works to promote health and well-being to kids with disabilities by providing an opportunity to play in league sports.

In addition to the bowling, there were raffles, prizes and food and drinks for everyone at the event.

It was a chance for the children to have some players, and also a chance for the players to give back.

“It’s cool,” said Baby Cakes Shortstop Peter Mooney. “These kids, I know they come out and bowl a lot, but it’s good to bowl with some friends. They want to see us because they maybe look up to us as professionals at what we do. We just want to give back and have them feel comfortable and play the sport they love.”

“They have so much fun,” said Baby Cakes Manager Arnie Beyeler. “It’s just neat to see them get out and do some things. Even though things like that are kind of challenging for them, it’s amazing how good some of them are at it. Nothing matters to them. They just have a good time.”

“The biggest thing about our organization is really community driven,” said Baby Cakes General Manager Cookie Rojas. “We’re the front porch of the community, so to get our guys out here tonight, on a night that they could be off with their families, and they’re raising money for a great cause. This to me is one of the best events of the year– the things that we can really do to connect with our fans as well.”