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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)- Homeowners who are struggling could get up to $25,000 from the state. Louisiana is set to receive $146.7 million in funding to provide that money to eligible homeowners.

It’s part of the American Rescue Plan Act, which provides $10 billion in federal relief to homeowners who need help.

So for those homeowners financially impacted by Covid-19, who are behind on their mortgages and at risk of foreclosure, this program could help you out. It’s a statewide program for any homeowners experiencing financial hardship after January 21, 2021. Governor John Bel Edwards says that something like this has never been available before. He says this program provides an avenue for resources and assistance to those who have been hit hard.

“We know that many Louisiana homeowners are struggling financially from the pandemic and, in many cases, have fallen behind on their mortgages and are facing foreclosure,” Gov. Edwards said. “This is an important step to help ensure that low- and moderate-income homeowners and their families are able to stay in their homes. I encourage everyone who may be eligible to apply.”

You should apply if these three things apply to you….

Eligible homeowners include those who meet the following criteria:

  • Must own and occupy a home in Louisiana as their primary residence
  • meet income qualifications
  • experienced a financial hardship associated with the Covid-19 pandemic

Contact your lenders and mortgage providers to see if you can benefit from this program. To learn more about applying, CLICK HERE, or call 833-88-LAHAF. Their website is if you need more info.