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JEFFERSON PARISH, La. (WGNO) – When Jen Novak created youth Triathlon group Nth Degree Racing, she was focused on helping today’s youth learn the importance of exercise. Her daughter told her she didn’t have to take P.E. anymore, and that bothered the Triathlon athlete.

Nth Degree Racing Youth is home to a USAT Certified Triathlon Club for kids ages 7-17, as well as a Junior Cycling Team led by professional coaches.

“There are so few P.E. programs these days. It’s not even required in most states anymore, and a lot of kids don’t even have recess anymore,” said Novak. “Triathlon is such a great sport for kids because you’re learning all three sports so you don’t really get burnt out.”

The children compete as a group in Triathlons and learn team work skills, self-confidence and time management. Some of the children have found it as an outlet that helps them deal with attention deficit disorder.

“It carries over in to his life at school,” said Linda Middleton, whose son Joseph suffers from ADD but enjoys racing. “He realizes his focus, and he’s in high school now and he’s just doing wonderful. So all and all, I think it’s given him a great outlet and it keeps him healthy and not just playing video games or use his phone.”