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NEW ORLEANS – One of the most top attractions in the city gave local students their annual history lesson. 

The hands-on session allowed scholars to learn how the World War Two ended. 

The Manhattan Project is a research and development process that produced the first nuclear weapons including the atomic bomb that dropped during World War Two.

However, many students are unfamiliar with the event, that’s why The National World War Two Museum offered the Manhattan Project’s virtual tour to local students including John F. Kennedy High School. 

“The program today was really interactive! Assistant Director of Distance Learning, Chrissy Gregg told WGNO. “It had polls and live questions. They also learned about the famous scientists that were part of this project.”

Scientists like Robert Oppenheimer and Leslie Groves.

Students like Leilani Brown were impressed by the information they learned! “This was seriously very helpful. Like, genuinely.”

This year, the National World War Two Museum provided the Manhattan Project video to over 82,000 students across America and teachers say this is a one of a kind opportunity!

“There’s nothing like this virtual class, you know? Students do have the money to go to the World War Two Museum even though we live in the city of New Orleans” The 11th Grade History teacher, Amber Celestine told us.

From the countries the bomb effected to behind the scenes footage– the virtual tour covered it all. 

“Being exposed to this type of information really shows a lot and it expanded our minds a lot” Brown said.

“The Manhattan Project and the development of the atomic bomb is still relevant and it still effects our lives today so the more they’re aware of their history, the better informs their present.”

The World War Two Museum says they’ll be hosting another virtual tour next year.