Wife of furloughed federal worker wins $100,000 plus SUV in Virginia lottery

ASHBURN, Va. – The wife of a federal worker put out of work by the government shutdown picked up a $100,000 check and a brand-new SUV on Friday after winning a Virginia lottery game, the state lottery reported.

Carrie Walls of Ashburn won the top prize in the Virginia Lottery’s Ford Expedition Plus $100K promotion. Her ticket was drawn out of 554,000 entries in the December 4 drawing, the lottery said.

According to the lottery, she said the $100,000 is timely because her husband is a federal worker furloughed in the federal government shutdown.

“I cried. I couldn’t believe it,” she said about realizing she’d won the top prize.

She picked up the check and SUV on Friday. She said she was already planning to take her family to Disney World.