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NEW ORLEANS— It’s a horrible feeling to walk out of the door, on your way to work, and realize that once again you’ve been victimized.

That’s been this reporter’s experience more than once in our city. Sometimes, the police show and take fingerprints, little else happens.

Jeff Asher’s AH Datalytics serves as public safety consultants to the city council and he says that this year’s numbers for car break-ins are fewer than last year(4,824-3,725), but for law enforcement, this is tough to solve.

Asher said, “It’s a tough crime because only 10 or so percent of vehicle burgularies are solved each year, so the likelihood is that whoever commits one is going to get away with it.”

And there’s the rub. Just last week Brandon Green was working at his restaurant job in Bywater when his car was hit, and it was parked beneath a surveillance camera.

Green said, “To be violated and stolen from is demoralizing.”

Its also expensive. Carnell Roussell of Leo’s Auto Glass repairs about a dozen broken car windows a week, and at $200-$300 a pop, it’s too little a charge for insurance to pay for.

“Correct. It’s below their deductible, and it’s coming out of people’s pocket that really can’t afford it. That’s the hurting part about it,” according to Roussell.

Many people have resorted to parking in more secure areas, taking valuables out, and even leaving their cars open because while someone may still go in your car, you won’t have the window broken. But that’s of little comfort to most.

Darlene Cusanza of Crimestoppers told WGNO, “You feel like you’re personally attacked because they’re getting you in a safe place. Your car, your vehicle is a safe place. It’s like being in your home. That’s your comfort area.”