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(ABC4 NEWS – SALT LAKE CITY, UT) – What, to you, is networking?

Joel McKay Smith put it this way; ” There is no relationship that doesn’t have value. There is no introduction that doesn’t have value. If you have an opportunity to pass them off that you would perceive would enjoy their company, that is a way that you can walk away from something that is not likely to be a relationship that you would perceive or value of your interest. That’s the epitome of networking.”

Contacts are great, but what you do with them is what really matters. Joel is using his contact to make a difference with three of his passion projects.

“I’m extremely passionate about rural America and the restoration of our main streets which have been decaying for decades.” He couldn’t give me specific details but be watching for some pretty amazing things coming to Price, Utah (hint, hint, nudge, nudge).

Joel’s second project is something that I’m glad to hear is being talked more and more openly, mental health. He is very transparent; “Anytime I run across an instance of someone struggling with bi-polar disorder I volunteer because I’m bi-polar.”

His third passion project is another topic that I am glad to help shed light on. Joel used a broad term; “Neurodiversity. The ability to provide employment for this incredibly brilliant class of people that has been referred to as autistic and Asperger’s, spectrum, and everything else.”  Joel helped me with his contacts to do a story a while back called “My Superpower is Autism, A Utah Caring Story.”

In a previous episode of Jessop’s Journal, I interviewed American Idol contestant Katie Higley, and one of the things she talked about. She had a friend that had attempted suicide and the message that they have is “it’s okay to not be okay.” What does that mean to Joel? His reply makes you think. He said; “What is normal? What is a stereotypical way that somebody thinks? So if it’s okay to not be okay. You just find a balance point where you are not going to damage yourself or someone else or someone that you are responsible for. That is the topple point of the okay you have to be able to get to.”


I’m blessed to do a number of news story series that air on ABC4 News. It is also my pleasure to have a number of my stories appear on various Nexstar Media Group TV station websites.

*You can also see my positive business profiles called “Doug Jessop’s Utah Success Stories” every Sunday in the ABC4 News at 10 p.m. and online at

*Everyone has a Story. Stories have Power. They help us Understand each other. “Jessop’s Journal” features in-depth, on-demand interviews not normally available in the news. A new segment is published every week at .

*Watch my on-the-road series, “Jessop’s Journeys”, where I highlight People, Places and Things you might not know about Wednesdays in “Good Things Utah” from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Previous stories are archived at .

For a sneak peek at stories I’m working on and to see archives of previous stories, please consider following me at, ,, and

I strongly feel that “stories have power”. Chances are that if you are going through something, that someone else probably has as well. The shared experiences we humans have can help each other. That my friend makes the point that stories “help us understand each other.”

You don’t have to agree with everyone, but in my opinion, if people would take more time getting to knowing more about others and where they are coming from, we just might find out that we have more similarities than differences.

A big shout out goes to my collaborator, Ed Wilets, who does a great job as my videographer/editor for all my stories..  Your feedback is always welcome at

I’m also grateful for the generous underwriting support of Rustico, Tailor Cooperative, JW Custom Hats and Ogden’s Own Distillery.

Thank you for watching, reading, liking, subscribing and all that other fun stuff. I’m Doug Jessop,   ABC4 News.