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MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – Community members and leaders in the Greenmont area of Morgantown held a dedication of a Black Lives Matter Crosswalk Friday evening.

The crosswalk is located at the intersection of Green and Arch Street near Madeleine Marie’s Catering. Community leaders started the crosswalk process in early spring, speaking with the city council and elected officials.

“Right up the street, we have the Pride cross walk, and we wanted to make sure those two were intersectional because you can’t have Pride if you don’t have Black Live Matter. So, we are really just happy to share that Greenmont truly is a progressive community and that we do support everybody here in our community,” said Ash Orr, Morgantown Human Rights Commission Member.

Community members explained that it is important to show support in the communities for the black, indigenous, and people of color to uplift and show acceptance.

“West Virginia, you stood on Black Lives Matter in 1863, and in 2020, you have illustrated it in a crosswalk in Greenmont, Morgantown, West Virginia,” said Del. Danielle Walker, (D) Monongalia County, District 51.

Also, community members stated that 2020 has been a hard year but has a symbolic crosswalk, providing unity. The crosswalk is what they call ‘a bright light’ moving forward.