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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – When your name is cook, you’re born to be a chef.

Eric Cook is executive chef at the American Sector.  That’s the restaurant at the World War II Museum in New Orleans.

WGNO News with a Twist features reporter Wild Bill Wood says Eric Cook is cooking up more than just the military on his menu.  He’s a Marine.

Eric served six years active duty in the infantry.

But his biggest battle is right here, right now, right in front of him.  He’s fighting the good fight for the new chicken dish he created.

It’s not chicken salad.  Nope.

It’s not another noodle soup.  Not at all.

Drum roll, please.  It’s the Gizzard of Oz.

That’s right, the Gizzard of Oz.

Chef Eric says he and his team were working to come up with a name for the dish.  And somebody just said, how about “Gizzard of Oz”.

It’s served on a cake of grits.  Yellow grits.  A road of yellow grits.

That means to get to the gizzard, all you have to do is follow the yellow grit road.

Chef Eric Cook is not alone in this war.  He’s got his kitchen staff team on board and ready to step into the story.

You’ll see what happens when you watch Wild Bill tell you the story of, the Wonderful Gizzard of Oz.