Watch: Flood waters swamp Grand Isle

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Jefferson Parish Councilman Ricky Templet has released surveillance video that shows rising flood waters in Grand Isle, Louisiana on Sunday.

Rising sea levels swamped the barrier island of Grand Isle, just to the west at Port Fourchon, as Ida made landfall came. Ida made a second landfall about two hours later near Galliano.

Hurricane Ida blasted ashore as one of the most powerful storms ever to hit the U.S., blowing off roofs and reversing the flow of the Mississippi River as it rushed from the Louisiana coast toward New Orleans and one of the nation’s most important industrial corridors.

The Category 4 storm hit on the same date Hurricane Katrina ravaged Louisiana and Mississippi 16 years earlier, coming ashore about 45 miles (72 kilometers) west of where Category 3 Katrina first struck land. Ida’s 150-mph (230 kph) winds tied it for the fifth-strongest hurricane to ever hit the mainland U.S.

The hurricane was churning through the far southern Louisiana wetlands, with the more than 2 million people living in and around New Orleans and Baton Rouge under threat.